Looking for a 3D Character model
Full Original 3D Character
A full Original character model fully texture or have it rig and ready to get animated
models can be anything from stylized toons all the way to Full body Anatomically correct adult models
Original Simple Low poly Character
for when you need a lightweight model. fully rig and ready for your animations or just a static pose model
Original Base Mesh
if all you need is a starting point for your own 3d models.
Stylized body, or a full anatomically correct adult model base
High, mid, or low poly meshes
High poly Sculpt model
need a high-detail ZBrush model
have a 3d Sculpt or a model that you need a workable topology for animations or static poses.
Wag schlitz umami pabst, thundercats pug yuccie
bicycle rights readymade unicorn pok pok flannel.
Full Original 3D Character
place info here
- Starting at 200
- Lightweight geometry
- Full original Zbrush Sculpt model 200+
- mesh retopology model 200+
- full rig animation ready 50+
- custom texture 50+ Full PBR materials
- custom clothing 50+ removal items not part of the main body
- High poly geometry detail model 50+
- Full 18+ Anatomacly correct adult model 50+
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Lorem ipsum, or lipsum as it is sometimes known, is dummy text used in laying out print, graphic or web designs. The passage is attributed to an unknown typesetter in the 15th century who is thought to have scrled parts of Cicero’s De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum for use in a type spec.